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2天学个树剖来水一水= =
人话:给定一颗树。install x:求x到根节点链上0的个数,并把链上所有点赋值为1。uninstall x:求x子树中1的个数,并把子树所有点赋值为0。
简直树剖模板题【听说我Day1 230了?】
复杂度:分块思想【听说是log n】主要取决于黑科技的复杂度= =
询问+修改这里用线段树维护,差点写爆炸= =
就这么水过去了?就这么水过去了= =
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<string> #define maxn 100010 #define maxm 600000 #define INF 1000000000 #define lc(x) ((x)<<1) #define rc(x) ((x)<<1|1) using namespace std; int FR[maxn],NT[maxn*2],TO[maxn*2],Si=0;//树相关 int dep[maxn],F[maxn],S[maxn],ch[maxn];//大法师相关 int top[maxn],pos[maxn],tail[maxn],vid=0;//树剖相关 void AE(int u,int v) { ++Si; TO[Si]=v; NT[Si]=FR[u]; FR[u]=Si; } struct ST { int l[maxm],r[maxm],v[maxm],tag[maxm],n;//1:全改为1 2:全改为0 void update(int x) { v[x]=v[lc(x)]+v[rc(x)]; } void ope(int x,int arg) { tag[x]=arg; if (arg==1) v[x]=r[x]-l[x]+1; if (arg==2) v[x]=0; } void pushdown(int x) { if (tag[x]) { ope(lc(x),tag[x]); ope(rc(x),tag[x]); tag[x]=0; } } void build(int x,int L,int R) { l[x]=L,r[x]=R; v[x]=0; if (L==R) return; int mid=L+R>>1; build(lc(x),L,mid); build(rc(x),mid+1,R); } void Modify(int x,int L,int R,int arg) { pushdown(x); if (L<=l[x]&&r[x]<=R) { ope(x,arg); return; } if (R<l[x]||r[x]<L) return; Modify(lc(x),L,R,arg); Modify(rc(x),L,R,arg); update(x); } int Query(int x,int L,int R) { pushdown(x); if (L<=l[x]&&r[x]<=R) return v[x]; if (R<l[x]||r[x]<L) return 0; return Query(lc(x),L,R)+Query(rc(x),L,R); } }T; void dfs(int u,int f,int de) { dep[u]=de,F[u]=f,S[u]=1,ch[u]=100005; for (int i=FR[u];i+1;i=NT[i]) if (TO[i]!=f) { dfs(TO[i],u,de+1); S[u]+=S[TO[i]]; if (S[TO[i]]>S[ch[u]]) ch[u]=TO[i]; } } void get_pos(int u,int rt) { top[u]=rt,pos[u]=tail[u]=++vid; if (ch[u]==100005) return;//链尾 get_pos(ch[u],rt); tail[u]=max(tail[u],tail[ch[u]]);//少加这句,调了30min for (int i=FR[u];i+1;i=NT[i]) if (TO[i]!=ch[u]&&TO[i]!=F[u]) { get_pos(TO[i],TO[i]); tail[u]=max(tail[u],tail[TO[i]]); } } int Install(int u)//统计链上0的个数 { int r=top[u],d=dep[u]+1,res=0; while (r) { res+=T.Query(1,pos[r],pos[u]); T.Modify(1,pos[r],pos[u],1); u=F[r],r=top[u]; } res+=T.Query(1,pos[r],pos[u]); T.Modify(1,pos[r],pos[u],1); return d-res; } int Uninstall(int u)//统计子树中1的个数 { int r=tail[u],res=T.Query(1,pos[u],r); T.Modify(1,pos[u],r,2); return res; } inline int read() { int x=0,f=1;char ch=getchar(); while(ch>'9'||ch<'0'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();} while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){x=x*10+ch-'0';ch=getchar();} return x*f; } int main() { memset(FR,-1,sizeof (FR)); int n,Q; n=read(); for (int i=1;i<n;i++) { int v; v=read(); AE(i,v); AE(v,i); } dfs(0,-1,0); get_pos(0,0); T.build(1,1,vid); T.n=vid; Q=read(); for (int i=1;i<=Q;i++) { char _233[10]; int u; scanf("%s%d",_233,&u); if (_233[0]=='i') printf("%d\n",Install(u)); else printf("%d\n",Uninstall(u)); } return 0; }
2015年10月23日 09:19
2022年8月08日 18:48
Finding the best WiFi names for their new connections or routers is that they want some cool or funny names that make them feel nice and at the same time when your friends, family, or someone comes over to your place don’t you think a nice name would make the charm of the house as well. Best WiFi names Moreover, you can not just add cool names to your Network SSID but have some Puns or Jokes intended through the WiFi name that can bring a nice laugh out of anyone who comes across your connection in their WiFi settings finder. Also sometimes you want to hide WiFi SSID for security reasons.